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Governor's Message

2024-2025名越ガバナー写真 (1).jpg

Takao Nagoya

Governor of the Japan District


I salute all the Kiwanians who are working hard under the motto of “Serving the children of the world”.

I am Takao Nagoya, 2024-2025 Governor of the Japan District, Kiwanis International.  I am the first Governor from My home club, the Kiwanis Club of Sapporo, Hokkaido, which celebrates its 51st anniversary this administrative year.


The Name “Kiwanis” was coined from a native American expression, “Nunc Kee-wanis”, which means, “We build”.  It is one of the three major service organizations.  The headquarter is situated in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.  Since 1919, it is focusing on service, specifically service to children.  There are 160,000 members in 6,500 Kiwanis Clubs in 85 countries worldwide.  Together with “Service Leadership Programs” that consist of youth, there are around 450,000 members in the organization.


In Japan, around 1,940 members of 41 clubs in 37 prefectures are working on service activities. Main activities include Kiwanis Doll making (which was introduced in a TV program “It!” by Fuji Television Network, Inc.), distribution of orange ribbons to advocate child-abuse prevention, presentation of Social Welfare Awards, and participation to traditional local events with children.


COVID-19 made a significant impact to the society.  Japan was no exception.  Club meetings and service activities were restrained, and aged members withdrew from clubs.  As the International President Lee Kuan Yong states, we aim to become “servant leaders”, and spread the service throughout Japan.  To do this, we need to have more members.


Activities by Kiwanis Clubs in Japan are highly evaluated as Signature Programs reflecting traditional culture.  Also, we have many members who served as leaders of the communities, contributing to the glory of the 60 years of history.  We need to find successors to carry this on.


In the administrative year of 2024-2025, we would like to have the following goal in accordance with Kiwanis International.

  • Each member to have awareness as “a servant leader of children”.

  • To put emphasis on recruiting members to inherit the good tradition of Kiwanis Clubs.

  • To formulate amicable relationship among clubs in Taiwan and Japan who signed a sister district agreement in 2024.


Last but not least, I wish the success of all the Kiwanians and clubs in Japan.

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